

The Rev. Clifford M. Syner III


Cliff has been the priest and Church planter for Church of the Resurrection since 2020. He is married to his best friend, Lisa, a trauma therapist here in Clarksville. They have three children and a pup named Monty. They love being in creation, hiking, camping, traveling, and spending time with family around the dinner table. The Army brought Cliff and his family to Clarksville in 2003. After many combat deployments as a special operations flight medic, and Physician Assistant Cliff retired here and felt called to love and serve this community.

Cliff and his family were drawn to the Anglican way of following Christ in 2016. The peaceful and meditative rhythms of the Church year, the embodiment of worship, and the Sacramental worldview give a path to guide us toward Christ in a world of chaos. After earning a Masters of Divinity from Nashotah House, Cliff and Lisa felt called to plant a Church here in Clarksville. Cliff also runs a non-profit clinic known as RISEN wellness here in Clarksville. Whose mission is to make Functional/Lifestyle medicine available to all who desire this creation centered care.

Priest during a ceremony in a church, celebrating a mass

Mags Messmer

Director of Children & Family ministries

Mags serves as the director of Children and Family ministries as well as on the Vestry. She is passionate about incorporating our children into worship and service. She and her husband have three children. She enjoys cooking, coffee, and spending time with her family and friends.


Faith Sayle

Choral Scholar



Mags Messmer


Grant Brashears

Grant is a loving husband and father who has taught in public schools for over 10 years. He has a passion for growth and an excitement for God's work in the community of Clarksville.

sample profile

Andy Milligan