Our Worship

Sunday Worship

The Anglican way of following Christ is actually the third largest Christian tradition worldwide, with over 90 million Christians worshiping Jesus together each week. While we are firmly planted in the doctrines of the Reformation, our worship is grounded in experiencing Christ with all of our senses.


Family and Children’s Discipleship

We believe that the foundation of our faith is nourished in the home. We desire to equip parents and caregivers with tools to strengthen their own faith. Children learn most through what they see and hear and feel each day.

Table Groups

Table groups are neighborhood gatherings that exist to embody our vision as we celebrate God’s abundance together and discern His presence. This shared life is always postured toward the neighborhood, so that there is always room at the table for our neighbors. It is a time to meet new people, invite old friends, share a meal, pray for one another and study the God’s Word.


Spiritual Growth Classes

Formation in the way of following Christ is an ongoing process of cooperation between us and the Holy Spirit. God created us to flourish and through the work of Christ we are enabled to move in relationship with Him towards this ultimate goal.